It doesn’t feel like Friday,

my day:

it feels more like lie day,

cry day,

can’t stop, won’t stop, but will try day;

okay day,

go outside and play day,

find a church and pray day,

“Be that as it may,” day,

pay day;

planning day,

too cold for fanning day,

too cloudy for tanning day;


“Keep it under wraps,” day,

catch it with a trap day;


toss it–

loss of it day;

too much time day,

no time to rhyme day,

“No, I’m fine,” day,

too much crime day;

too hot day,

“So not,” day,

there’s a lot day;

complain day,

train day,

feign day,

not enough rain day,

use your brain day,

put it in frame day;

put it in perspective day,

be respective day,

protective day,

be attentive day;

but it just doesn’t feel like Friday,

my day;

maybe because it’s Thursday,