Unpopular opinion:
I want to work at Buzzfeed.
I want to write the articles you see, like:
Trump thinks Puerto Rico Death Toll is a Conspiracy.
The only 18 moments from the Emmys that you need to see.
This is the Most Epic Scenic Road Trip You Can Take from New York To Toronto.
The quiz: Today, you’re gardening. Tomorrow…?
21 Reasons Facebook’s Sinister Oysters Are The Best Thing On The Internet.
Would you win this 20$ bet?
When your family forgets you’re an adult during the holidays.
We wore one sandal 12 different ways.
The best and worst ads of 2008.
This 5-Question Quiz Will Reveal Whether Your Current Partner Is Your Soulmate.
Weirdest Christmas trees of the season.
27 pictures that are true for absolutely no reason.
17 Tumblr posts you’ll find funny if you’ve ever written an essay.
Which weird national day falls on your birthday?
32 Memes that will make you yell out, “oh wow, I have def done that before”.
How well do you remember “Jersey shore”?
Which day of the week are you?
Facts about In-N-Out you probably never knew.
The True Meaning of “Macarena” Will Horrify Every 90s Kid.
What to do when someone gives you a giant squid.
Listen, I know it’s an unpopular opinion,
And I might just become another click-hole, listicle, idiotic minion,
And even if it makes someone sick,
I’ll be the reason to have r/SavedYouAClick.
So yeah, I do want to work at Buzzfeed
Because who doesn’t want to be in an absolute sea of creativity?